Learn how to put together a tight, smooth DJ set or mix after picking out the records you want to play. ...
A look at the basic features of the Vestax CDX-05 DJ cd player and how to use them. ...
Ever wonder how to play 7" vinyl records on a turntable? Guess what that round piece that came with your turntable is for. ...
A look at how to use the basic functions of a Vestax PDX-2000MK2 turntable and a comparison with the Technics 1200. ...
Why does the stylus needle jump on a 12" record? Learn why and how to prevent it form happening during your DJ set. ...
Ever got a horrible sound when turning your DJ system on? Learn why this happens and in what order you should be turning on your DJ or PA system. ...
Is your slip mat slippery? How to make your own for relatively nothinging. ...
This video explains how to use the 'battle position' when DJing and why you might want to use it. ...